Myanmar Lifeline Ministry

Mission to Burma

This is our newest ministry which came out of our “Rice and Fishes”.  The goal is to pair together the love of Christ through the Gospel as well as providing for the earthly needs of the poor in Burma.  God never forgets the poor and proverbs.

“He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack;  but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse” (Proverbs 28:27)

“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD;  and that which he hath given will he pay him again”  (Proverbs 19:17)


Jesus always healed and fed the body AND told them of the Bread of Life.  He fed and healed the body, AND fed and healed the lost soul.  These are two essential parts of the love of Christ.   It was Christians who began the hospital and orphanage movements.   The situation in Myanmar is dire, with a violent and cruel junta, economic disaster, civil war, disease and spiritual darkness.  Our team of Pastors and Christian workers many times put their life on the line for the work of the Gospel.  So Myanmar Lifeline offers this:

  1. We provided bicycles to Pastors so they can visit unbelievers (Buddhist, Muslim and cultural Christians) and take food and Gospel literature.
  2. We provide Gospel literature and Bibles for Pastors at no cost to use in their evangelism.
  3. We provide rice, oil, hygiene products, cans of sardines and other needs such as medicine.  Usually once month’s supply for a family.  If after one month our team member tells us that the family is really interested in further understanding the Gospel but is just in dire need of help, we may support them further on a case by case basis.
  4. We also will help with medical needs which are critical
  5. We provide some food support for Pastors when they are in difficult situations and have not way to support themselves.

There is a window open now into the hearts of the Burmese people who are suffering unimaginable trial and we can’t miss the opportunity to show them the love of Christ.  We do not have the resources of secular NGOs or other charitable organizations who bring with them their humanist philosophies, but we can do what we can and rely on God for the rest.  Praise His Holy Name.